The Icing on the Cake

I am in the birthday zone, baby. Today is Luke’s 2nd birthday, and we are celebrating on a budget. Yea. I have to be honest, it’s not quite as much fun as celebrating without a budget. But then I remind myself that he is only two, and it all comes into perspective. He’s only two, he’s only two, he’s only two… once. My perspective is still a little fuzzy. Yet, when the party is all said and done, all that matters to Luke is getting to play with kids, not being left out (EVER!), and candy. So on a limited …

Redeeming Sickness?

I was sick last week. Not a life and death condition, just sick enough to stop caring. My sweet husband sent me to bed, and when he suggested take-out I said, “Whatever you want to do honey.” He was thrilled. Matt loves take-out. The week came to a close. I finally felt better, and at the end of the siege I surveyed the damages. Children still alive? Check. House destroyed? Check. Finances? Good… wait a second, I better check my wallet. On Wednesday, during a brief respite from feeling yucky, I had made a deposit at the bank and withdrawn …

Beautiful Things

I am missing my flowers. This picture was taken in their glory this past summer, and I miss their color, their fragrance, but not their thorns. I still have a thorn lodged in my finger that I can’t seem to get out. Nevertheless, I find myself longing for spring on this cold winter day. I long for the warm summer winds, the ladybugs, even the feel of the cool soil as I plant my annuals. I am looking forward to the squeals of my children as they spend endless hours splashing in our kiddie pool and digging in the dirt …

On the Rollercoaster

It the 15th of January today! I can hardly believe how quickly this month has passed. My Mom always used to say when I was growing up that it felt life just kept getting faster and faster. I think it has a lot to do with watching your children grow. Once they have grown, I think it slows a little in the wait for grandbabies and then the joyful rollercoaster begins again. The cycle of life is always a thrilling ride. Right now the ride seems so fast that it is difficult to imagine that it could go any quicker. …

Document People!

Have you ever called a company and spoken to a lovely, helpful soul who answered all your questions with patience and kindness and made you so glad to do business with them? OK, that doesn’t happen very often, but if it has happened to you, have you ever called back only to get the polar opposite person on the phone? Grumpy, irritable, miserable in their life and work, and their only mission in life seems to be to make you feel stupid about your question and get you off of the phone? That happened to me today. For the last …

Designed to Dream

“Mommy, I have to potty.” I think those are some of the most torturous words you can possibly hear at 3 o’clock in the morning. It’s not the urgency of the words, it’s the repetition of broken sleep night after night. As you climb back into bed with cold feet and deep weariness, all you want to do is recapture that last fleeting image of the dream you were having. Was it a flying dream? Was it a romantic dream? Was it the dream where you are late to class and realize you have forgotten your clothes? Finally, you begin …

Life Changing Freebie

I was thinking about the Suse Orman freebie today, and it occurred to me that many of you many not know that my Mom and Dad (John and Beverley Sheasby) have started offering all of their preaching series on line for FREE. I don’t know of another ministry that does this, but it is something that the Lord really laid on my Dad’s heart. My Dad is the most incredibly gifted preacher (yes, I am biased, but it also happens to be true). The Bible just comes alive as He speaks, and you feel like you have just been introduced …

Free Book Offer

Hey friends, this is just a little freebie I found. Until this coming Thursday, you can download Suze Orman’s new book for free from . Suze Orman appeared last Thursday on the Oprah show. I didn’t see the show and I haven’t yet read the book, but I’m excited to read it for free. I don’t agree with her on everything, but she is a straight shooter and does have a lot of great insight. Here is a summary taken from “The unexpected can happen. In fact, sometimes a whole lot of unexpected happens all at once (see: …

Budget Friendly Date Night

When was the last time you dated your spouse? No, Christmas shopping for your relatives doesn’t count. Neither does the drive to church. I know not everyone is married who reads this blog, but I wanted to give a little budget friendly date idea for those of you who are. Many people will spend a small fortune while dating on dinner, movies, flowers. However, it is very easy after marriage to forsake the romance for convenience. Especially after children come along, you can easily become a partnership of survival. Poopy diapers, snotty noses, and even homework can suck every romantic …

Grace for the Giver

There is something special about January and it isn’t just because it’s the new year. In January, Matt and I get to celebrate the births of 7 of our friends and family, including our own sweet Luke. On top of that are two anniversaries (including my parent’s anniversary – 36 years on the 20th!!),one late birthday present, and three baby gifts that I need to get in the mail. It is a very full month of celebrations and presents. I have to be honest, my gift budget has been one of the areas that I have been the most concerned …