Life Changing Freebie

I was thinking about the Suse Orman freebie today, and it occurred to me that many of you many not know that my Mom and Dad (John and Beverley Sheasby) have started offering all of their preaching series on line for FREE. I don’t know of another ministry that does this, but it is something that the Lord really laid on my Dad’s heart. My Dad is the most incredibly gifted preacher (yes, I am biased, but it also happens to be true). The Bible just comes alive as He speaks, and you feel like you have just been introduced to your Father God all over again. If you don’t know what series to start with try Show Us the Father . I know it will be a blessing to you. Or choose from any of their series to download for free HERE.

Anyway, I am just full of free goodies today 🙂 Although, I think these messages will impact your life way more than Suze Orman ever could. So get yourself a cup of tea, download a message, plug in your headphones, and prepare to be blessed today. Download time… varies. Message cost… free. Getting your heart rocked from the comfort of your own home… priceless.