Free Book Offer

Hey friends, this is just a little freebie I found. Until this coming Thursday, you can download Suze Orman’s new book for free from . Suze Orman appeared last Thursday on the Oprah show. I didn’t see the show and I haven’t yet read the book, but I’m excited to read it for free. I don’t agree with her on everything, but she is a straight shooter and does have a lot of great insight. Here is a summary taken from

The unexpected can happen. In fact, sometimes a whole lot of unexpected happens all at once (see: 2008). No one can control external events, but you do have absolute control over the most powerful tool: your will to make the smart and right choices that will insure your financial security, no matter what happens. As I have said for years: Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

If you plan for life’s “what if’s” there’s no need to panic when the news turns bad. An emergency cash fund is your security when a recession causes rising unemployment. A long-term investment strategy that employs a mix of stocks and bonds makes it easier to get through scary bear markets; living within your means, rather than running up credit card and HELOC debt leaves you better able to weather financial storms.

My 2009 Action Plan is designed to make sure you are ready for the unexpected—this year and every year forward. I most certainly hope things get better for us all, but in the meantime I want to make sure you have a plan in place that will protect you no matter what “what ifs” lay ahead.”

Just a fun gift for you finances today 🙂