Budgeting Review – “Life on Commission”

Some of my dearest friends in the world are both realtors. And although they are wonderful at what they do, the realty business is a %100 commission business and is consequently very competitive and difficult to make a living in. However, it has very flexible hours, and can be extremely rewarding business. So how do you budget when you might have a $7,000.00 month one month and an $1200.00 month the next? I am going to lay out a plan for you today and I hope is going to help some of you finally come to a place of balance …

Budgeting Review – “Every Other Friday”

This blog is so revolutionary if you are paid every two weeks, that I know you will want to read it again. I have laid out the new dates for 2009 for your “extra check” which I know will be helpful. If you have never read this information, I guarantee you that this plan for regulating your paycheck in order to pay your bills on time is going to change your life! Being paid every other week is a very common practice, but it can be very difficult to set a budget because your bills come on a certain day… …

Budgeting Review – “By the Hour”

Even if you have read this blog before I encourage you to read it again if you are paid by the hour. I have updated the dates for your “extra paycheck” for the year and it will be a great reminder of your pay schedule. This blog fits under II. a. ~Hourly wages of our outline. And yes, I know how to correctly do a formal outline, however blogger will not cooperate and allow me to leave spaces. Consequently, I have improvised so that it can be clearly read… just had to add that 🙂 According to Forbes magazine, more …

Budgeting Review – “Simplicity”

The first step to setting up your budget is to determine your monthly budgetable income. In other words, the money after taxes that you have to pay your bills and to spend each month. The following blog was originally posted last year and covers the topic of determining your income from “Salary” – II. a. ~Albert Einstien once said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” There is a lot of complexity to finances, and sometimes it is difficult to find the simple answer. Sometimes the answer is so simple and obvious that you miss it …

How to Set Up Your Budget (an outline)

This is a simple outline that I am going to fill in in the next few days with information. For today, if you have not yet set up a finance binder or a system of organization for the paperwork of your finances then please read the blogs under Section I. If you have been following my blogs, and already have your paperwork organized, then I thought that seeing the process of setting up your budget outlined in this simple format may help you. If it is all new to you, then stay with me, because it will all be explained …


What a beautiful weekend we had in Tulsa, OK. Blue skies and lovely warm weather have completely confused my rose bushes which are now covered in spring growth. Unfortunately, spring never comes this early in Oklahoma, and the warm weather is usually just a lull before the temperature plumets to below freezing. Most of what is blooming will probably die, but it is such a delicious taste of spring in the mean time. Before I dive back into the wonderful world of budgeting I just wanted to update you a little on what has been going on in the last …

A Way Through

I am checking in again. Yes, I keep disappearing, but to tell you the truth, I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. On Monday I am going to get to teach a group of ladies how to budget and I am so excited about it. I have had so much fun preparing for it, but it has also taken priority in my free-time for now. For those of you who have been following my blog for the past year, can you imagine condensing my blog down into a 30 minute talk? It is definitely a challenge, yet …

Out From Under My Pile

Has it really been a week? This past week has been so very full for me. It has been one of those weeks where every day you think to yourself, “I really want to blog” but you never actually get there. Come to think of it, I think my blog got buried under my pile… which thankfully is almost gone. I am so sorry if I left you stranded mid-project. Hopefully, you went on and finished without me. However, just in case you didn’t I am still going to post the rest of my series on “Digging Out”…. as soon …

Back to the Binder

If you haven’t yet converted to a Finance Binder, how is your filing cabinet working for you? Do you have a mountain of paperwork that is waiting for you to file? If you have converted, have you turned your Binder into home base for the rest of your paperwork which is stacked on top? Or do you have a beautifully organized Binder from last year, and have never started a new Binder for this year? Whichever scenario you find yourself in, today is a good day to file. It is Wednesday, which means absolutely nothings except why not make it …

Conquering the Pile

How is your pile doing? You know the pile: the stack of unopened mail, receipts, things you need to do, bills, and everything else that lands in the pile. If you are digging out with me this week, the chances are your pile is little mountain of clutter. Or perhaps your pile might have grown so large it has now spawned other baby piles all over your home. My pile keeps moving between my bedroom dresser (for when I have company) and back to my work area. Fortunately, I haven’t neglected it for long enough for it to become a …