Out From Under My Pile

Has it really been a week? This past week has been so very full for me. It has been one of those weeks where every day you think to yourself, “I really want to blog” but you never actually get there. Come to think of it, I think my blog got buried under my pile… which thankfully is almost gone. I am so sorry if I left you stranded mid-project. Hopefully, you went on and finished without me. However, just in case you didn’t I am still going to post the rest of my series on “Digging Out”…. as soon as I write it.

The silver lining is that I gave you a full week to dig out your pile 🙂 The rain cloud under that silver lining is that you may need more than a week to dig out. If you have an enormous pile and were overwhelmed by the task last week, I would like to suggest breaking your pile into… well, piles. The first stack will be projects that are urgent that you need to get done this week. Your bills, receipts, and budget will fall into that pile. The second pile should contain about three projects that you are going to set as your goals for next week. The third pile can be for the week after, and so on. If you break it into more manageable chunks, it may be easier for you to face what you have been dreading.

But really, finishing your scrapbook, or writing thank you notes is not going to ruin your credit or send your home to foreclosure. Your finances have to take a priority in your time and in your pile. There are some projects where procrastination is devastating and your bills are one of those projects. If you already know what you need to do and have the grace to keep going without me, then go for it today. However, if you are stuck in an overwhelming financial jam, hopefully my next blog will help you to get un-stuck.

May the Lord bless you and keep you today. May He make His glorious face to shine upon you and give you His peace.