
What a beautiful weekend we had in Tulsa, OK. Blue skies and lovely warm weather have completely confused my rose bushes which are now covered in spring growth. Unfortunately, spring never comes this early in Oklahoma, and the warm weather is usually just a lull before the temperature plumets to below freezing. Most of what is blooming will probably die, but it is such a delicious taste of spring in the mean time.

Before I dive back into the wonderful world of budgeting I just wanted to update you a little on what has been going on in the last week. Last Monday, I had the priveledge of doing a budgeting class for a lovely group of ladies. It went so wonderfully well. In preparing my notes to speak, my biggest concern was that they would be overwhelmed. However, the comments I received were that they were each so encouraged. I loved that, because I truly feel that budgeting should be a liberating subject, and not a burden. The burden is in NOT having a budget.

The whole experience was a wonderful reminder of the freedom that learning to manage your finances well can bring. It reminded me why I am writing my book and why I started writing this blog. I feel excited again to write about an area that is producing so much fear in so many people right now.

For the next few days, I am going to be posting the handouts that I gave out at my budgeting talk. This may be a review for some of you, and it may be brand new for others. However, I think all of us can benefit from refocusing on the “why’s” and “how’s” of good money management. Just as I did with the ladies last Monday night, I am going to once again take you through the process of setting up your budget. Even if you already have your budget established, I believe this information will still be useful to you.

My prayer for you is this:

“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.”
~2 Timothy 1:7

May you have His mind as you sort through your budget. May God’s wonderful power strengthen you and sustain you, and may His perfect love cast out all fear.

God bless,