Luke’s Birthday Party

~Luke riding his sister’s bike yesterday. He actually gets going quite fast on that little bike and loves every minute of it. There is no place Luke would rather be than outside.

What a lovely birthday my little son had, and a wonderful birthday party today. Luke had a fantastic time playing with all of the kids. Matt and I had a wonderul time with our family and friends and because the food was so easy. It was a bitterly cold day outside, but so lovely in our home filled with the squeals of children, the smell of coffee and pancakes, and the laughter of people we love. It reminded me why I love birthday parties and why they are worth the effort. I only wish my house were bigger to hold all of our friends… but then again, that wouldn’t have been a party for Luke, not to mention it would have killed our budget.

But for this day, in celebrating my two year old son and his precious life, the party was perfect.

Here are some pictures of the fun:Luke playing sword-fighting with a friend. The friend he was fighting was two years older, but notice how Luke had him on the defensive… classic Luke. I have no doubt he will take on the world one day with courage and fierce determination. He packs a lot of power in his little two year old body… and unfortunately, he still has very little concept that he might actually hurt you with his sword. Probably, his little friend had already figured that out.

~Opening presents with Mommy. Luke got so excited about the first present that he didn’t want to open anymore. We had to keep trying to bring him back to open the rest. Fortunately, the other children were only too happy to help him out with the opening.

~Yummy birthday cake. Noah had the sword for this picture, but Luke was done fighting. Who wants to fight when there is icing to eat?

~Luke having a little rest in the middle of the party. He played hard, fought hard, ate well, laughed a lot. It was a good day to be 2.
Happy Birthday sweet Luke! I am so very thankful you were born and for the joy that you bring to our family and to my heart.