Checking In

Well, I am just checking in. This has been another busy week for my family. We have had something on every evening, which is definitely not my favorite. However, in the midst of all of the craziness I have had so many “budgeting” conversations! For instance, my friend Rachel commented about taking a “break” from budgeting because she has had three weeks of family in town. It is an interesting problem and one that we all face in the holiday season. She just had her company early, but it is such a great issue for all of us to address. How do you afford to feed and house your extended family over the holidays without killing your budget?

I also had another conversation with a friend about how to scale back your budget when either your income level changes through a job transition, or maybe you go from a two income family to a single income family. In this climate of layoffs and economically rocky times, asking this question may save your family from a lot of difficulty.

A question I personally have been thinking about is what is the best way to stretch your groceries till the next payday. I don’t know about your family, but for us it felt like October 31st was never going to get here. I am so excited to have my pantry and refrigerator stocked again, but so many have already put groceries on the credit card this month and are now trying to figure out how to pay for them.

All around me there are just so many questions in this very turbulent time. Now, this is great if you happen to be writing about finances, but if you are living in the middle of a financial mess… it’s not that much fun. But the great news is that if you are in a financial crisis in your life, there are so many practical steps you can take to change the direction your finances have been going.

So, I will be back soon to talk about some solutions to these questions, but in the mean time have a wonderful weekend. And if you happen to have some more questions, send them on 🙂