On this beautiful day, many years ago, I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. My amazing Mom had labored for about 48 hours. She was already two weeks past her delivery date because I just didn’t want to leave my warm cozy home in her tummy. After a horrible delivery, I finally arrived in the world. So on this day, I want to once again honor and thank my Mom for what she went through to bring me into the world. She is the most amazing Mom I could ever ask for, and she gave me the greatest gift in …
Luke’s Birthday Party
~Luke riding his sister’s bike yesterday. He actually gets going quite fast on that little bike and loves every minute of it. There is no place Luke would rather be than outside. What a lovely birthday my little son had, and a wonderful birthday party today. Luke had a fantastic time playing with all of the kids. Matt and I had a wonderul time with our family and friends and because the food was so easy. It was a bitterly cold day outside, but so lovely in our home filled with the squeals of children, the smell of coffee and …
The Icing on the Cake
I am in the birthday zone, baby. Today is Luke’s 2nd birthday, and we are celebrating on a budget. Yea. I have to be honest, it’s not quite as much fun as celebrating without a budget. But then I remind myself that he is only two, and it all comes into perspective. He’s only two, he’s only two, he’s only two… once. My perspective is still a little fuzzy. Yet, when the party is all said and done, all that matters to Luke is getting to play with kids, not being left out (EVER!), and candy. So on a limited …
Paying for the Party
“Arrrgh,” shouted 14 young pirates as they chased me down the side of my home. We were on a treasure hunt. The cake had been eaten. The sword fights had been won. And now the real adventure had begun. Through Alligator Alley, past the Tunnel of Stinkiness and the Forgotten Grasslands, and through the Forbiden Gate… and over a dozen pirates were all of a sudden charging from my back yard and down to our mailbox (the Tiny Cave of Hope) in search of the prize. Then back through the house they stormed in a mad chaotic quest. There was …
A Birthday Party
Today is Noah’s birthday party, and tonight 13 pirates and their 17 parents and our family members will be joining us for a pirate party. What was supposed to be a small party in our home has all of a sudden become a festival. We decided for the first time this year to just let Noah invite who he wanted to the party. So really, just a few friends…. And their siblings…. And their parents…. and Noah’s cousins…. and his grandparents. How did this happen? A very small drop in what is happening in the global ocean today, but to …