Books, Blogs, and Blessings

My husband and I actually got to go on a date on Friday night, and we had such a fun evening walking around a book store. Not super exciting to most people, but to us just being by ourselves together and getting to look at books was such a treat. I sat with a huge pile of finance books, and Matt had a huge stack of books of graphic design and other topics, researching and learning and having a wonderful time. And after a whole stack of books, I was just so struck at how complicated writers love to make finances! They just take the longest, hardest, most fear filled path to any financial topic. No wonder so many people feel so overwhelmed by finances that they don’t even know where to begin. I think it is also why so many people flock to writer’s like Susie Ormon and Dave Ramsey, because they are at least attempting to make finances user friendly. One of my dear friends always says to me, “Trac, you do the research and then just tell me the bottom line.” I always laugh because virtually every topic can be simplified down into the “cliff notes” version. It really is my heart to do that with finances on this blog. I hope that I can help to make what has felt overwhelming into something manageable, and even easy.

Anyway, I came away with lots of ideas and thoughts and I am just excited to keep going. I also came away with ideas on how to make this blog better and I am so excited to announce today that you can now subscribe to my blog through RSS, or through email. If you subscribe by email, an email will be sent to you each day when I update my blog. An “RSS Reader” lets you get notices when any of your favorite blogs have been updated. I spent my whole Saturday free moments working on this achievement, so I really hope it is a blessing to all of you. 🙂 Actually, it is surprisingly complicated for such a small button. Really, I had to buy the book! Anyway, I learned a lot which will hopefully just make this blog better in the future. It is a whole new world for me, but it is enabling me to walk out a part of my passion which is helping people and writing about finances and also writing about our wonderful God, so I am really excited to learn more.

I have so enjoyed writing this blog in the past two plus months and I just want to say thank you to all of you who are leaving comments, and asking questions, and faithfully reading. It so encourages me to keep on going when I know that it is having an impact on other people’s lives! So I will be back on Monday with a little more on discretionary spending, answers to a few questions from readers, and also next week I am going to be tackling the question of “Where does the discipline come from?” Trust me, the answers will probably surprise you.

God bless and have a glorious, life filled Sunday… full of God’s presence, His healing, His freedom, His forgiveness, His abundance. Whatever you have need of today; God is the God of more than enough! So don’t worry, rest in your Heavenly Father and enjoy your day. And I will see you tomorrow.