Beautiful Sunday

What a georgeous day to be alive! The weather is perfect, their is no wind (rare for OK), and my garden is calling me. My sweet Luke has been sick all week from whatever he caught in the church nursery last Sunday, so we have decided that for this week we are going to skip the next wave of baby yuck and stay home 🙂 Hallelujah for an actual day of rest.

So, today I am taking the day off from blogging. I will be back tomorrow and we are going to start looking at more of the specifics of a budget. So for today, enjoy your family, your friends, and the gift of life. But more than anything, enjoy your Creator. He is with you today, He loves you, and He has given you “all things richly to enjoy” (I Timothy 6:17) So enjoy your day. As for me and my house, we are going outside. We are going to enjoy being a family, enjoy our heavenly Father, and we are going to practice the “Gift of Gratitude” in thanking God for a beautiful day to be alive.

I’ll see you tomorrow.