A Week Off

So, after the weekend off and getting a little perspective from my husband, I have decided to take the rest of the week off of blogging. I am really going to be focusing on my book this week. I am also starting homeschooling my little Ava Joy. Noah is having his first full week at school, and there is a lot of transition. I just feel like I need to choose what I am focusing on because I have felt very scattered. Hopefully, I will make brilliant progress this week and will be back soon to tell you about it. But in the meantime, keep using your budget, spending purposefully, and have a wonderful week.

Also, if you have any question, or topics that you would love to see me address, please either leave me a comment on this blog or email me at budgetingforabetterlife@gmail.com I am not always prompt in responding to email, so please forgive me if it takes a little bit, but I will eventually get there 🙂

May you walk in God’s richest blessings and favor this week. It’s going to be a wonderful week!