A Princess Party

My darling Ava Joy is 4 years old! I can hardly believe it. The party was a wonderful success, thanks in large part to my Mom who stepped in and saved the day. Praise the Lord, my fever was gone by Saturday, but I was still pretty weak. My Mom just brought the whole beautiful party together. Ava had such a lovely time and I was just so glad that she finally had a birthday party without tears. In fact, she totally enjoyed herself.

So, I am still in recovery myself, but I did want to share pictures from the “Princess Tea Party”. I know you will wish you were there 🙂 The first picture is a picture of the “cake”… although we actually had cupcakes instead of a cake because to Ava cake is just a means to and end…. which is the icing.

This is my beautiful girl on her special day. She came dressed as “Belle” from “Beauty and the Beast”… afterall, it was a tea party.

Noah was the honorary boy at the tea party, but he did a great job in celebrating his sister. Although at one point I did have to remind him that ladies at tea do not want to swordfight in the yard. He, of course, came dressed as a pirate.

Ava and her dear friend Ellie enjoying some fancy fruit snacks.
Noah was such a good sport, he even drank from the tea cups. I was really proud of him.Ava Joy blowing out her candles. She by then had changed outfits about 3 times as all of the little girls played dressup. She finally ended up in her beautiful new Tinkerbell outfit that her Aunt Marlene gave her. So cute.
And this is the whole beautiful party, her dear friends Ellie, Evie, and Madison, and of course, Noah. It really was a lovely day.

Finally, my darling Ava today getting a “manicure” with Mommy. Ava probably messed her nails up 3 times before the lady was through painting them, but we had a wonderful time together. She is such a delight to my heart and I was so thankful to feel better to be able to enjoy her special day. By the way, the manicure for her only cost $5! She even painted beautiful little flowers on her nails. She sat in my lap the whole time and just kept saying, “Don’t my nails look beautiful Mommy?” It really is a gift to be a Mommy, and I feel like I have been given the best gifts in the world with my 3 darling children. However, I am very glad to have a break from birthday parties for a few months. Me, and my budget 🙂