“Trace, our debit card was just declined.” These have to be my least favorite words EVER. Unfortunately, that was the phone call I got from Matty yesterday morning. Matt went to mow his mom’s yard before the rain, and when he filled the gas can for the mower, his card was declined. Now, what makes that funny is that I’d just written a blog on God’s provision for school supplies — on asking Him for provision, expecting it, and reminding yourself of His faithfulness. So what did I do when my husband called with the good news? Yup, totally freaked …
School Supplies
Are you buying school supplies? I am. And yearbooks, and lunch fees, and tennis shoes because all of my kid’s feet have grown, and fees for clubs, and band, and everything else in the world. I’ve joked a few times that I feel like I’m bleeding money at the start of school, and I know many of you feel the same way. However, when I said it to my mom, she reminded me of a story from my childhood, and I knew I had to share it. When I was nine years old, we lived in a rental house in …