On this beautiful day, many years ago, I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. My amazing Mom had labored for about 48 hours. She was already two weeks past her delivery date because I just didn’t want to leave my warm cozy home in her tummy. After a horrible delivery, I finally arrived in the world. So on this day, I want to once again honor and thank my Mom for what she went through to bring me into the world. She is the most amazing Mom I could ever ask for, and she gave me the greatest gift in the gift of life.
For those of you who are unaware of the significance of this day, today is Groundhog’s day. On February 2nd every year, the ground hog comes out to predict the weather. If he sees his shadow it means there will be 6 more weeks or winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow it means that spring is on it’s way. Fortunately, unlike Punxsutawny Phil – the most famous groundhog of them all, I did not see my shadow when I was born and summer was on its way. Actually, since it was in South Africa it was already summer… so I guess I was ahead of the groundhog. Today however, Phil did see his shadow, so more winter is in store. Well, that is if you believe in the groundhog.
All of this to say that I am not blogging today or tomorrow. To be honest, nobody wants to think of how to pay for your birthday when it is your birthday. That should come before your big day, or at worst, after your big day. But on your birthday, you get a day off from budgeting and I am taking mine.
I will see you again soon, and have a wonderful Groundhog’s day 🙂